X-Box Cheats
~cheat to raise stats~
1st- you need to have a bound weapon spell...whatever bound weapon you have thats what stat will be increased for example: Say you want to increase your Longblade skill. Get a bound Longsword scroll, or spell. Hit the right trigger to cast it, and as you are casting it, keep the right trigger held along with the left trigger and the X button. you will know if it is working when you start to hear a clicking sound, when u hear this check your stats and they should raise as long as you hold in the buttons and continue to allow the "clicking sound" to continue...
To Restore Health:
1) While in the game, hit (B) to bring up the menus. 2) Use the (L) and (R) triggers to switch to the Stats menu. 3) Used the D-pad to select the Health entry. 4) Press (BLACK) (WHITE) (BLACK) (BLACK) (BLACK) 5) Press and hold (A) until the desired Health level is reached.
To Restore Magicka:
1) While in the game, hit (B) to bring up the menus. 2) Use the (L) and (R) triggers to switch to the Stats menu. 3) Used the D-pad to select the Magicka entry. 4) Press (BLACK) (WHITE) (WHITE) (BLACK) (WHITE) 5) Press and hold (A) until the desired Magicka level is reached.
To Restore Fatigue:
1) While in the game, hit (B) to bring up the menus. 2) Use the (L) and (R) triggers to switch to the Stats menu. 3) Used the D-pad to select the Fatigue entry. 4) Press (BLACK) (BLACK) (WHITE) (WHITE) (BLACK) 5) Press and hold (A) until the desired Fatigue level is reached.
Using any code replaces the others, so only one can be active at a time. If a mistake is made entering a BLACK-WHITE code, start the cheat over at step 4. The cheat will remain active as long as you don't change menus using the (L) and (R) triggers. Leaving and entering menu mode does not reset the BLACK-WHITE cheat code, so you need only repeat steps 1, 3 (if necessary), and 5 to repeat the last cheat. If the (L) and (R) triggers are used to change menus, the BLACK-WHITE cheat code is cleared and all steps will have to be repeated.
** a cheat i haven't tried yet, so i suggest saving before you try it**
~cheat to make an infinite effect~
go to a spell maker and make a custom spell you will need to know soultrap! put that in first and set it to target not on touch put time duration on 1 unit
next choose a spell (your choice), let's say santuary set it to the value that you want on yourself put on 1 sec also
and then try it out it will give you infinite (your choice) santuary *** WARNING THIS IS NOT REVERSEABLE**
so choose your effect wisely!!!!!!!,(dont choose invisability-because no one will see you, and wont talk to you) -think it through-